Some of you have already heard my testimony, but I'm going to share it again.
Matthew and I married in May of '93. Both of us were saved at early ages.He had grown up in a preachers home, I grew up in a broken home before moving in with my grandparents who then became my parents. I lived an unfruitfully saved life. (yes, I think I just made that word up!!) Our lives were very very different. I knew that he had been called to be a preacher, and he knew that I didn't want to be a preachers wife. So for many years, I stubbornly refused, using the old "microscope life" as an excuse. The fact is, I was just too selfish to completely turn my life over to God. I was busy doing what I wanted to do. I know that this hurt God and my husband. I just didn't care enough to surrender. I did this for about 12 or 13 years of our marriage, which didn't exactly make our marriage a happy one all the time! This was probably the number one source of arguments between us. I had witnessed what other preachers wives went through and I kept thinking "No way would I willingly do this to myself!" It's funny how the Lord works. I hadn't come to a point where I was thinking, "Ok...maybe"... as a matter of fact, I had pretty much stopped thinking about it. Matthew had grown tired of talking to me about it I suppose, because we didn't really even discuss it anymore. But, one day when I was driving home from work, I was listening to the radio, and a caller had called in and was saying something about her husband, who was a preacher, and that's really all I can remember. The next thing I know, I'm riding down the road crying because I had suddenly realized that my husband should be a preacher. I was so disgusted with myself at that moment, knowing that the only reason he wasn't doing what God had called him to do was because I was standing in his way. I never said anything to him that day... but my heart was so burdened over the next couple of weeks. I knew that the Lord was dealing with me and I felt absolutely horrible. Like the worst wife in the world. I had done absolutely everything possible to keep from becoming a preachers wife, and I now realized that despite all of it, that's what the Lord wanted me to be. I'm not sure how long I went on like this before I finally went to Matthew and told him. I think my words went something like, "Ok....if you still want to be a preacher,I'm ready...." Not exactly convincing, huh? However, those were the hardest words I have ever said. It's funny, because he didn't waste a lot of time before springing on me the fact that not only was he called to be a preacher, but that the Lord had been dealing with him about pastoring. Talk about SCARED! But the Lord had already prepared me. I knew it was coming eventually. It happened so fast. He had been preaching meetings in different churches regularly for a little over a year when he got a call from one of the churches to candidate as pastor. Through this time, and even now, I had so much guilt and heartache over the fact that I had kept Matt from this ministry for so long. The Lord has used him so much already in just over a year that I can't help but wonder how much more could have been accomplished had I not fought for so long. I have often said that I don't know why God was so patient with me. But I know He has a plan that we are a part of. He has blessed us with a church that loves and supports us, and He has blessed me with some godly friends that encourage and help me. It's hard, like I knew it would be sometimes. But there's a peace I now have....and that's knowing that I'm in the center of God's will...and that I'm part of a ministry that is making an eternal difference in lives. What could be greater than that? I am so thankful for my husband. He loves the Lord with his whole heart and is the most compassionate person I have EVER met. I truly do not deserve such a wonderful man, but God put us together, and for that I will be forever grateful! My desire now is that I can be the best preachers wife that I can be. That one day, people will be able to look back and say, "She was a godly, caring woman, and such a help to her husband." I want my life to be a legacy of hope. If the Lord can use me with tainted testimony and all, (what a picture of mercy and grace, by the way)then He can use anyone who is willing to say "Lord, here am I. Use me." He will!!!
Lynn - this is absolutely beautiful. I remember when you struggled with this - you confided in me a lot! I want you to know that you are the BEST preacher's wife ever!! (and I mean that) I can't tell you how privileged we are to be members of LBC. When we joined the church last year (even before joining) we were considered immediate family by everyone. Just goes to show that God is working in our church!! I love you girl and couldn't imagine you as anything other than "a preacher's wife"!!
ReplyDeletethat means a lot to me Stephany!! I was thinking of you as I wrote that because I was with you every single day as I went through that time. Seems like a lifetime ago! Isn't it funny how God puts people in touch with people that He knows will help them? You did help me so much, in so many ways. I'm so thrilled that we are church family! I love you SO much!!