Monday, January 31, 2011

What a Wonderful Day in the Lord!

I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that the Spirit of the Lord was all over our church yesterday!! We all seemed to have our cups full and running over! I feel so blessed to be a part of such a place where people let the Holy spirit work in their hearts and don't try to "snuff" it out! So many times I think people feel it, but don't show it or share it. Seeing one come to a saving knowledge of the Lord was just the thing to jumpstart a feeloing of...well, what seemed to a revival of sorts to me. It was fantastic! Yesterday was a perfect example of what happens when we put the hinderances out of our hearts and minds and let Him move in our midst!
I was very proud of our preacher boys last night :) Yes, I may have been a little partial to one of them ;) Its so important to encourage the desire that they have in their hearts to preach the gospel, and we thank our church for being so supportive of them. My prayer is that they will go out one day and carry on the truth so "that the generation to come might know" that our God loves them, and wants to save them.
What an awesome day!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ladies Meeting

Just wanted to let you ladies know that we will have our first meeting of the year 2011 in March. I am very excited about this first meeting as we have made a few changes, including a new name for our ladies group!
I want to encourage all of you that are able to attend these meetings. Its a time that we can really fellowship and bond in a way that we can't in church because of various duties and goodness knows, we are pulled in so many different directions on any given Sunday or Wednesday! Its also a time of worship in a more intimate, close knit enviroment. The ladies meetings are not for just Sunday School ladies, or church members. Any lady can attend, and I encourage you to bring your friends,neighbors, daughters. I think that this is how we show our girls how to act as a christian woman should, and I believe that its important that they see how we fellowship with eachother.
This year is going to be a great one, one filled with lessons about godly christian living, and how to best be a help and encouragement to those around us. I'm so looking forward to what God is going to do among our women this year! I hope that YOU will join us!!
Keep an eye on the bulletin and facebook for dates and events to come!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Brrrrr....It's COLD out there!

So this is what it's like to get snowed in for 3 whole days!! The first day and a half was GREAT then cabin fever started to set in. I was tired of not seeing the sun, tired of not getting any fresh air ( I'm not one to play in the freezing cold,lol )and frankly, I was tired of washing dishes! Everyone knows that bored kids are hungry all the time. So I feel like I've done nothing but cook and clean dirty dishes nonstop!
So as I read my morning devotion, I was reminded that "I am Christ's"! What a blessed gentle push this thought gave me as I fought off annoyance of being cooped up for 3 days. I am Christ's! His by donation, for the Father gave me to the Son. His by purchase, for He bought me with a bloody price. His by dedication, for I have given myself to Him! I am His by relation....for I am named by His name, and made a child of God, and a joint-heir! How wonderful and amazing is that? Charles Spurgeon (source of my devotions) said "...that all who see you may know that you are the Saviour's, recognizing in you his features of love and his countenance of holiness.". So NOW if you were to pop in on me today, you will be greeted with a smile and a happy hearted hello, thanks to this beautiful reminder that I am HIS and I have every reason to rejoice, regardless of my situation or circumstances! What a MIGHTY God we serve!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year!

A new year is upon us, yet again! It seems like just a few months ago we were ringing in 2010 and here it is 2011. Time takes on a whole new meaning as you get older. Time is fleeting, you but have to look at your children to see this. It makes you a little sad, but if you have been faithful to the things of God, it can make you proud as well, as you look at all you have achieved and accomplished throughout the years. Do your children reflect the love of God that you have in your heart? Do they reflect our willingness to serve in our church and our faithfulness to Gods work? Look back over the year 2010 and ask yourself these questions: Did I make a difference for the cause of Christ? Is there a family in church today because I had the courage to invite them? Was I diligent in my efforts to be faithful to church? Do my children consider me a good christian?
The last question is one that has me worried. Sometimes, when we are in the comfort of our own home we tend to let loose more than we should. We feel free to whine or complain, not thinking of little ears that may be overhearing. We don't realize the impact it has on them, but we are showing them our weakness, our lack of faith and trust that God is going to handle our circumstances and work all things out for good. When we worry or complain in front of them, we are surely showing them our lack of faith. One of my goals this year is to completely surrender it all to God. My worrying does nothing but weaken my faith. No matter the situation, I want to trust Him completely, and by doing so our children won't have to wonder about our strength as a christian, because we won't be worrying and complaining! With trust comes contentment. I want to be a contented christian. I want my children to see faith in my actions. Not just my children, but other christians, and most importantly, the lost and dying people in need of a Saviour may see His light shining through me. Might I make a difference in this way?

In matters of the church, we have seen growth that we never would have imagined, and I'm not talking about numbers. I'm talking spiritual growth in men,women, and teens, many souls have been saved this year and all this has kept our excitement and drive alive. You can't possibly know how encouraging this is to your pastor. Its the stuff that lets him know that what he does it worth the cost. I can say this because I live with your pastor! He cares for you and your family and wants to make a difference in your lives. He gives his whole life to this ministry. When we look back at our church and everything that has happened over the last year, we stand amazed at what God has done, and how He has changed hearts and lives. We have at least 3 men that have surrendered to preach and have been preaching in nursing homes and rescue missions. I can't tell you how excited my husband has been about this. We have seen people take on ministries, participating in ministries and building up others' ministries. This is what makes us say, "wow, we are accomplishing a mighty work here!!" That's what its all about! With a great year behind us, we look forward to seeing what the new year brings. We are very thankful that God has chosen for His perfect plan, to use us at LBC. You all have been so kind and gracious to us and it has made the beginning of our ministry (now in our second year!) a happy and successful one. We love each of you and are honored to serve with you. We look forward to many happy years together with our church family!
Happy New year, and may each one of us come together as part of the body of Christ to bring glory to His Name!
In HIS Service,

Lynn Burrell