Monday, November 28, 2011
The year of a Lifetime
November 6th, we embarked on the journey of a lifetime. "We" being a mission team sent out of Liberty Baptist Church. Our destination was Lighthouse Childrens Home in Tres Rios, Costa Rica. Our goal? To be a blessing to these people who give their lives to take in orphans in the 7th most dangerous city in the world. That's right, Tres Rios is not part of the tropical paradise one might imagine when you think of Costa Rica. But I can say that I wouldn't have traded this trip for the most elaborate, extravagant island getaway imaginable. On November 7th, I shared my 36th birthday with 10 of the most extraordinary people I have ever known, as well as the Lighthouse family. A birthday that I will remember and treasure forever!!
What this trip did for me, and the others that went with me can't be put into words. Words aren't enough. If you could feel my heart, now that'd be awesome. Because then you too could feel the love that we experienced from the children of LCH. You could then feel the blessings we got from sharing our testimonies, our talents, our love, and quite simply, our time. But you can't feel my heart. So you'll just have to trust me. God poured out so much love and tenderness on our lives while we were there, using these precious children like sandpaper to soften hearts that were battling with God's plan for our lives. What most of us came back with, we didn't go looking for. We went expecting blessings, but I don't think we were prepared for what the Lord was going to do. To put it simply, it was amazing. 11 of us went out as brothers and sisters in Christ, but came back united in a way that will never be forgotten. I love those people. My heart grew so very fond of them. The ladies I shared 7 nights with forever changed my heart. They opened my eyes to things that I had been pushing away for years. And my eyes were opened towards their dreams and goals. Our pasts so similar that we knew only God could have brought us together the way He did. Ms. Carloyn, Deborah, Rachel, and Teresa, I love you. And I am so honored to have been able to spend that time with you all. What we experienced together will echo in eternity. And to the men also: Mike, Brian, Jeremy, Stephen,Teddy, Bill, and of course, my husband (haha) I love yall! Seeing your desire to do something for God by helping in any way possible touched my heart. Men who put their jobs aside, their families aside, and their everyday comforts aside to serve the Lord. I can't tell you how much that week did for me. To this day, I miss being with all of you day in and day out. I feel like you all literally became my physical family, and I experienced what can't be described as anything but "homesickness" upon returning home.
The children there became family as well. We all fell in love with them and our household family members would have been increased by at least one had we been allowed to adopt on the spot. Then the problem would have been how to choose which ones we took. I hope with everything in me that I get to go back soon to see these beautiful little souls that captured my heart.
And also hope that all reading this will get teh chance one day to experience what we did. It will change the way you look at people, at everyday life. Your eyes will be opened to a new kind of thankfulness you've never expereinced before.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Back to school!
It's been a great summer! The kids had a wonderful vacation bible school, a fun time at, families had their vacations, but is time to go back to school. That means myself as well since I'm a first grade teacher. I have another wonderful class this year, although a much larger class than last year, so I am very excited and looking forward to making great memories with the2011- 2012 first grade class!
The hard part as always is going to be getting back into that groove, and figuring out how to manage my family time as wisely as possible. Any preachers wife that works knows what I mean. Usually, 3 or 4 days of the work week, I have to have supper cooked by 4:30 at the latest, because of engagements either my husband has, our the both of us... so I really need to utilize my crock pot more this year! Last year, sad to say,we ate way too much fast food because I wasn't able to manage the time the way I needed to. Not only was that unhealthy, but expensive. My family deserves better! I'm determined to have home cooked meals in my home every school day this year and on Sundays! It's going to be a challenge, but I'm up for it.
My prayer is that this school year, our children keep their testimonies clean, and set an example as christian young people in an environment that desperately needs christian influence. Not just them, but we adults as well. So, I will be praying that God will use us this year, and I ask that you join me in praying this prayer!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Sick and BORED has its advantages!
Yesterday, I was here at the house alone for the majority of the day, and I had a lot of time to lay in the bed and do nothing :) So to make the most of my time, I caught up on some Bible reading, and did some devotions. Have you ever noticed that when you have a burden on your heart that you thought no one but God and yourself knew about, God decides that it would be good for you to make everything you read specifically about that burden? He knows just how to get us out of our rut and in my case, does it, sometimes before I can even ask Him for help. I'm going to share my burden just in case someone that reads this may be going through the same thing.
I had a pastors wife tell me once that you couldn't make friends with members of your church. And I remember my response, "Well where else am I going to find friends? My life is spent at church!" So in the back of my mind, everytime I felt myself getting close to someone, I would think: "So,Lord, how is this going to turn out bad?" My husband is a HUGE people person, and he seems to make friends with everyone he talks to. He's just that way. I'm not. But when I do, I find myself critiquing everything I said to them afterwards, wondering if something I might have said could have hindered my role in their life as their pastor's wife. Or when they don't talk to me as much the following Sunday as I thought they should, my mind immediately begins to question, "What have I done?" or "What did I say?" and I let these thoughts and questions consume me until I am miserable. I know that most times, it's the devil trying to get to me. But I really do want to please those around me. Thats when the Lord pricks at my heart and says to me,"But are you pleasing ME?"
This was part of my Bible reading :
1 Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
1 Peter 2:10 Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.
1 Peter 2:11 Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;
And I realized that my desire to please and have friendship and perfect harmony with all of my sisters in Christ is a fleshly lust. It makes me happy, and eases my mind. But what does it do for me spiritually? Absulutely nothing. I realized that when something is said or done that makes me wonder if I did something to offend or upset, it changes my mood and my mindset and THAT does hinder me spiritually. Don't get me wrong please, I do want to have harmony with my sisters in Christ. And as long as I am serving and obeying God, and pleasing HIM, He will take care of the rest. I can't make everyone look at me with grace and love, but the Father can, if He sees fit to. So instead of letting my desire to please people cause war against my soul, I put it all in His very capable hands.
I still have so much to learn. I can tell you today much more than yesterday that I never knew how much was involved in the ministry. It overwhelms me at times, and that seems to be when I lean the hardest on my girlfriends. I know that it's my husband I should lean to, but my carnal mind whispers to me all the time, "You don't need to burden him with your feelings, he has so much on him without you adding to his load." So my prayer at the end of yesterday and the beginning of today is, "Lord, please help me to lean on YOU and confide in You. For YOU alone have all the answers I need, and you will never misunderstand me."
If you have experienced anything similar to this, as a PW, let me be the first to tell you that it's not easy to limit yourself in your relationships in the church, but when you put God first in your life, and support your husband in the way that God tells us to (and not society) then He will give you wisdom in everything you do. Just seek Him for advice.
I love every single lady in my church. And I will continue to fellowship with them in any way I can! But my closest companionship is reserved for two alone: My Saviour, and my husband.
"Thank You Lord, for being there for me when I get ahead of myself and forget that You alone have the answers that I need. All of my complaining or fears shared with another does nothing to lift them up spiritually, but when I come to YOU, you lovingly guard my footsteps,my heart, and my tongue. Only You can give the perfect advice. And You Know the way that is best for me. Help me Dear Lord to be the Pastor's Wife that You want me to be, to be the helpmeet to my husband that You want me to be and that he needs for me to be. And finally Lord, thank You, for allowing me the chance to serve You. In Jesus' name, Amen!"
*** Sometimes in our busy lives, getting sick is the only thing that makes us slow down. It's then that we take the time to reflect on things in our lives that maybe needs changing or a good "working on". I hope that sharing my heart's burden has helped someone else. Just remember that even though it feels lonely sometimes, and feels like you have been "deserted", God has called us to serve Him. He never promised the ministry would be easy, but it's full of spiritual fruit and blessings unimaginable. Just serve Him, make yourself available to Him, seek Him then let Him do the rest.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Almost Spring!
Even though its a rainy yucky day out for the second day in a row, I'm so glad that spring is just around the corner! The air has that smell of wet dirt and budding trees, even the occassional scent of freshly mowed grass with that oniony smell it has. You've heard of comfort foods....these are comfort SMELLS!The birds are singing their songs again- It makes me so happy!! ! I absolutely love spring, when life is springing forth again. It should remind of us ressurection. Everything was so beautiful and alive last summer, then the cold came and killed everything, now it's slowly coming back to life again, full of bright greens and pale pinks. It's such a pleasure to watch the beauty around us awaken after such a long season of sleeping. My soul feels like this sometimes. I guess I get in a "rut" or maybe I've just come through a valley or a trial, and as soon as the Lord reaches down and delivers me from whatever is holding me back, I feel that renewed life just bursting out of my soul. I felt this recently. Sometimes we don't even realize that we are getting "comfortable" in our spiritual lives and before we know it, we're sleeping! Don't get me wrong, we're human and this will happen. As long as we don't stay that way. Just like the spring, once everything starts to wake up again, we see the beauty that we almost forgot about, the smells that we missed, and the beautiful weather that allows us to breathe deep and enjoy the sunshine with the breezes blowing through our hair. How awful would it be if one day, winter came and stayed forever, taking with it life and beauty that the spring brings. So it would be in our spiritual lives if we never got out of our "ruts". I have been on fire for the Lord, I know what it feels like. So when I sink into that "poor,pitiful me" state, I can feel the flame suffocating. What an awful feeling. But when I overcome my old self, I can feel that flame burst back to life and the joy that it brings is very much like sitting on my porch on a beautiful warm spring day, taking in all of God's glory around me. My heart feels so alive when I'm in tune with my Saviour. I never want to stop growing in Him.
I was talking with a very sweet lady awhile about some spiritual things. She was pondering in her heart why she feels certain things that she feels, or does certain things she does. She very well could be in one of those "ruts" that I get myself into sometimes. The whole time she was talking to me, all I could think was, "I have been there!" It's a hard thing sometimes to explain things that I have in my heart, and I know I probably don't do a very good job. But I do know this: A child of God, when at peace with Him, has a comfort and a peace that passes all understanding. We won't always know why, or when, but we know that we can count on our Heavenly Father to walk with us through whatever difficulty we may be facing. Even if its sin, we have a Saviour that we can call out to for help, and He is there with His outstreched hand....His compassionate heart full of love for us. When you feel like you arent worthy of His forgiveness, or may not be able to be forgiven, remember this. First of all, we aren't worthy of His forgiveness. Secondly,His forgiveness is a done deal. He forgave us in spite of our unworthiness, a long long time ago, on a hill called Calvary. Hebrews 8:12 says "For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more." He was definitely merciful to me, and continues to be day after day.
Once you have secured the fact in your heart that you are a born again child of God, you have to then forgive yourself. God did, and if He can, we can. Leave your old life behind....walk talk and act like a christian should. Please the One that left it all to die on a cross for you. For if you are pleasing God, then you will have no reason to question or doubt. So many of us even after we are saved, continue to beat ourselves up for the way we were before, or sometimes, even the way we have been after we were saved. We can only do one thing: treat our doubting, questioning sinful ways as the winter. It's time for spring. Time to watch new life burst forth. Time to begin. Live for God.... to the best of your ability. I am, and I am happier than I have ever been. And I can go to bed at night with peace in my heart. I do have a long way to go, but what a thought: I am continuing to grow. A tiny blossom on God's family tree if you will. But I AM on His tree....He is my vine....I may not have made it into a fullgrown branch yet, but I'm growing, and with His help, will one day become one :)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Continuing to GROW
Can you believe that we are nearing the end of the second month of 2011 already? Time is flying!!
Our theme "That the Generation to Come Might Know" has kicked into full gear and now we are learning about things our children should know. Some things are so obvious, but so taken for granted. As a mother to 4, I know that times are busy, and we often look to convenience to get us through. I personally have very few hours to myself within a week. Between teaching, raising a family, and church activities,I sometimes forget that in order for our children to KNOW what is important to us, we should now only show them, but tell them why we do what we do, or believe what we believe. Because its easy to get "into the swing of things" we start to take those "things" for granted, and before too long, we forget why we are doing them in the first place. Thats how our children are. When they see us doing things, they take for granted that we must be doing them because we have to. We want them to know why we stay busy in the work of the Lord, and not take for granted that I am doing it because "I have to". I want them to know that serving God is a priviledge, not a drudgery.
Another thing I want them to know is that they are important to me. My goal in life is to be a God-pleasing Christian, a good wife, and a good mother. By Gods grace, and their testimony, my children are saved. Now I want to ensure that I do everything I can to see that they become strong christians, rooted and grounded in their faith so that they live lives pleasing unto God. And this requires spending time with them, something that is more precious than gold these days! Please pray for me, that I will be all that I need to be to my children, so that I can continue along with my husband to teach my children the things that they should know. But also, please pray for me as we continue in this ministry, that God will give me wisdom and compassion- two things I have found that it takes a lot of. I desire to be a help to my husband, and not hinder him in any way. This world and the devil has a way of finding our weaknesses and preying on them. I don't want him getting any victory over me!! I appreciate your prayers!
I hope to see as many of you as possible at our next ladies meeting....March 8 @ 7pm. We have many exciting things going on this year and want YOU to be a part of them!! We have revamped the ladies ministry and can't wait to share with you some changes that are taking place! I know that the Lord is going to bless our church through this ministry, and hope that you will share in this excitement with me!
Monday, January 31, 2011
What a Wonderful Day in the Lord!
I was very proud of our preacher boys last night :) Yes, I may have been a little partial to one of them ;) Its so important to encourage the desire that they have in their hearts to preach the gospel, and we thank our church for being so supportive of them. My prayer is that they will go out one day and carry on the truth so "that the generation to come might know" that our God loves them, and wants to save them.
What an awesome day!!!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Ladies Meeting
I want to encourage all of you that are able to attend these meetings. Its a time that we can really fellowship and bond in a way that we can't in church because of various duties and goodness knows, we are pulled in so many different directions on any given Sunday or Wednesday! Its also a time of worship in a more intimate, close knit enviroment. The ladies meetings are not for just Sunday School ladies, or church members. Any lady can attend, and I encourage you to bring your friends,neighbors, daughters. I think that this is how we show our girls how to act as a christian woman should, and I believe that its important that they see how we fellowship with eachother.
This year is going to be a great one, one filled with lessons about godly christian living, and how to best be a help and encouragement to those around us. I'm so looking forward to what God is going to do among our women this year! I hope that YOU will join us!!
Keep an eye on the bulletin and facebook for dates and events to come!!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Brrrrr....It's COLD out there!
So this is what it's like to get snowed in for 3 whole days!! The first day and a half was GREAT then cabin fever started to set in. I was tired of not seeing the sun, tired of not getting any fresh air ( I'm not one to play in the freezing cold,lol )and frankly, I was tired of washing dishes! Everyone knows that bored kids are hungry all the time. So I feel like I've done nothing but cook and clean dirty dishes nonstop!
So as I read my morning devotion, I was reminded that "I am Christ's"! What a blessed gentle push this thought gave me as I fought off annoyance of being cooped up for 3 days. I am Christ's! His by donation, for the Father gave me to the Son. His by purchase, for He bought me with a bloody price. His by dedication, for I have given myself to Him! I am His by relation....for I am named by His name, and made a child of God, and a joint-heir! How wonderful and amazing is that? Charles Spurgeon (source of my devotions) said "...that all who see you may know that you are the Saviour's, recognizing in you his features of love and his countenance of holiness.". So NOW if you were to pop in on me today, you will be greeted with a smile and a happy hearted hello, thanks to this beautiful reminder that I am HIS and I have every reason to rejoice, regardless of my situation or circumstances! What a MIGHTY God we serve!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Happy New Year!
The last question is one that has me worried. Sometimes, when we are in the comfort of our own home we tend to let loose more than we should. We feel free to whine or complain, not thinking of little ears that may be overhearing. We don't realize the impact it has on them, but we are showing them our weakness, our lack of faith and trust that God is going to handle our circumstances and work all things out for good. When we worry or complain in front of them, we are surely showing them our lack of faith. One of my goals this year is to completely surrender it all to God. My worrying does nothing but weaken my faith. No matter the situation, I want to trust Him completely, and by doing so our children won't have to wonder about our strength as a christian, because we won't be worrying and complaining! With trust comes contentment. I want to be a contented christian. I want my children to see faith in my actions. Not just my children, but other christians, and most importantly, the lost and dying people in need of a Saviour may see His light shining through me. Might I make a difference in this way?
In matters of the church, we have seen growth that we never would have imagined, and I'm not talking about numbers. I'm talking spiritual growth in men,women, and teens, many souls have been saved this year and all this has kept our excitement and drive alive. You can't possibly know how encouraging this is to your pastor. Its the stuff that lets him know that what he does it worth the cost. I can say this because I live with your pastor! He cares for you and your family and wants to make a difference in your lives. He gives his whole life to this ministry. When we look back at our church and everything that has happened over the last year, we stand amazed at what God has done, and how He has changed hearts and lives. We have at least 3 men that have surrendered to preach and have been preaching in nursing homes and rescue missions. I can't tell you how excited my husband has been about this. We have seen people take on ministries, participating in ministries and building up others' ministries. This is what makes us say, "wow, we are accomplishing a mighty work here!!" That's what its all about! With a great year behind us, we look forward to seeing what the new year brings. We are very thankful that God has chosen for His perfect plan, to use us at LBC. You all have been so kind and gracious to us and it has made the beginning of our ministry (now in our second year!) a happy and successful one. We love each of you and are honored to serve with you. We look forward to many happy years together with our church family!
Happy New year, and may each one of us come together as part of the body of Christ to bring glory to His Name!
In HIS Service,
Lynn Burrell